Me at 5
Me at 5
I was always too impatient to take pics of food! Must.Eat.Now.

Hi there! I’m Lisa Hsieh, born and raised in Toronto and welcome to Say Kitchen! Why Say Kitchen? Well, I’ve been pronouncing my last name wrong my whole life. Turns out, Hsieh is actually pronouced “Shay” not “Say”, but hey, habits are hard to break and I kinda like it that way so it stuck!

As a child, we lived in between Greektown and old Chinatown, so I was lucky to have grown up on lots of different types of cuisine. To be honest, as a child, I was a pretty picky eater. It used to take my mom hours to get me to finish dinner. It was a different story though if there was cake involved, as evidenced by the above picture :). Now that I’m older, I’ve seen the error of my ways and I’m a much more adventurous eater. I feel lucky to be living in a city like Toronto where I have easy access to almost every type of cuisine around the world and I’ve never had any problems finding ingredients that I need.

So welcome to Say Kitchen, where I experiment with recipes in my small downtown apartment kitchen with my dog, Freddy, always sniffing around hoping I’ll drop some crumbs!

These recipes are inspired by my Chinese upbringing, growing up in Toronto and my travels. But mostly, I like to make food inspired by my friends & family’s favourite dishes (and hopefully becoming their fave dishes in the process!). After all, food is meant to be shared and enjoyed with those you love!

Growing up, the question I asked the most was “What’s for dinner?”. It used to bug the hell out of my mom but now that I’ve moved out, it’s my mom’s favourite question because it means family dinner nights!

So thanks for stopping by and hopefully I can help you answer that question tonight!